Shopify notifications, supercharged.

Streamline your Shopify store's notifications with robust rule-based actions. Begin your FREE 7-day trial now to explore the full range of features.

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Introducing Our Notification System

Receive timely updates at various levels, from orders and line items to products, variants, and your customers. Stay informed when it matters most and never miss out on important events. Customize your filters to ensure you receive notifications tailored to your specific needs.



Take control of your notifications like never before. Our advanced filtering feature empowers you to receive only the notifications that are relevant to you, ensuring that you stay focused and informed about the data that matter most in your Shopify store.

What to notify about.
 Choose entities to monitor events in your Shopify store (Order, Draft Order, Line Item, Product, Product Variant, Customer).
Flexible rules.
 Set conditions to filter notifications by (e.g. order status, product price, customer tags, item vendor). Combine multiple conditions and use AND/OR logic to create filters that fit your needs.
Product screenshot


Batch notifications

Take control of when and how often you receive notifications that match your conditions.

Every event.
 Receive notifications for events that match your conditions as soon as they happen.
 Choose from weekly, monthly, or daily batches and select specific times to receive notifications.
Product screenshot



Define customized actions to be taken when notifications are triggered, allowing you to automate specific tasks and streamline your workflow.

 Send email notifications directly to designated recipients, ensuring crucial information reaches the right people promptly.
 Send Slack messages to a connected Slack channel, enabling immediate collaboration and discussions around the notified events.
 Include attachments along with notifications, providing additional context or supporting data as needed.
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Slack notifications

Seamlessly integrate our app with your Slack workspace to centralize and streamline your notification workflow.

Slack channel.
 Connect to your Slack workspace and select a dedicated channel where all notifications will be sent, ensuring easy access and visibility for your team.
Detailed information.
 Receive rich text messages within Slack that provide comprehensive information about the notified events
 When using batch notifications, CSV attachments are automatically included in Slack messages, allowing you to access detailed data alongside the notification itself.
App screenshot

Data reporting

CSV attachments

Enhance your notifications with CSV attachments, providing comprehensive and detailed information.

Include in Email & Slack.
 Whether you prefer to receive notifications via email or Slack, for both you can include CSV attachments with the data that triggered the notification.
Ideal for reporting.
 Receive CSV attachments with your notifications so you can easily analyze your data or to send it to your vendors.
Custom templates.
 Customize the CSV attachments to include only the data you need. (Coming soon)
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Pricing plans for stores of all sizes

We offer pricing plans designed for stores of all sizes, providing flexibility and affordability. Choose a plan that fits your budget and unlocks the tools you need to optimize your store's performance and drive growth.


Ideal for new and small stores getting off the ground.


  • 100 emails per month
  • Up to 5 active notifications
  • Slack & Email notifications
  • CSV attachments
  • Customer support
  • 14-day trial
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Most popular

Great for growing stores that need to handle more orders.


  • 2,000 emails per month
  • Up to 20 active notifications
  • Slack & Email notifications
  • CSV attachments
  • Customer support
  • 7-day trial
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Perfect for stores that process a high volume of orders and need complex reporting.


  • 5,000 emails per month
  • Unlimited active notifications
  • Slack & Email notifications
  • CSV attachments
  • Customer support
  • 7-day trial
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